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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Guardian Chronicles: Chapter Three

Irina stared at Artemis as he came to stand beside me, grasping my hand in his.
"So, you're the boy." Irina beamed with delight at having found him finally.
"I am." His face was stern, and he gripped my hand harder.
"Stupid boy. You will not have that throne as long as I am around." She almost growled at him.
"It's not the throne I want." Artemis seemed calm, but I knew that inside, he was searing with rage. Irina could obviously detect it as well, for she started smirking. Artemis' rage was now my own. There was no longer any doubt. I wanted her dead.
Artemis seemed to sense this. He pulled me behind him, putting himself between me and my aunt. Irina took advantage of the moment, stalking back and forth like a great cat.
"Oh, how cute, hiding behind him like he can protect you." I glared at her, almost blinded by tears of rage that threatened to fall. My fingers traced the edges of the rock that I had absentmindedly picked up on the way here.
Suddenly, the tension broke. The rock flew toward its target before I even knew I had thrown it. Irina whirled around and moved to dodge it, but it sliced through her cheek. She dove at me, dagger in hand, but I was ready. The rock had given me enough time to unsheathe my own dagger, and I parried every attack, though many still wounded me. Irina had a second blade out suddenly, and was battling Artemis as well. Soon, our combined attacks were too much for her, and she fell to the ground. I raised my dagger and moved toward her. Artemis grabbed my arm, stopping me. For a human girl, I was strong, but he was stronger. He pulled me around to face him.
"Leave her." His green eyes stared directly into mine.
"But--" I started to protest, but he interrupted me.
"Leave her. If you kill her now, it will only cause trouble for you." I stopped struggling and glared at the ground. Irina glared at me, and Artemis glared at Irina. Finally, he put his arm around my waist and we turned away from my aunt. He kept glancing back out of the corner of his eye, as if Irina would run up and attack us from behind. She didn't.
We made it back to the castle safely, and Irina was nowhere in sight. I led Artemis to the dumbwaiter in silence, as I didn't want to alert anyone of his presence. When we reached the thirteenth floor and my room, Arya and Solara were still waiting for me. Arya took one look at Artemis and raised an eyebrow. Solara stood up and walked over to us, and Arya followed.
"Good evening, Artemis." Solara smiled sweetly.
"Good evening, Solara." He didn't smile. He rarely smiled at anyone besides his friends, and me.I was sure Arya would ask me about this after Artemis left.
"Artemis, this is my sister, Arya." I tried to hide the emotions that were still burning through my mind from my encounter with my deranged aunt.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." As Arya greeted him, she seemed extremely curious about him.
"The pleasure is all mine." Artemis' voice showed only a small amount of emotion, but Arya was pleased.
"Oh, such a gentleman!" Artemis looked at me as if Arya belonged in an asylum. I shrugged, and Arya ignored the gesture. "I need to go down to my room and unpack. Goodnight, all." She left the room without another word.
I couldn't hide my emotions anymore. I flopped down on my bed and let the tears flow in silence. I didn't sob or whine, only laid there as the tears rolled down my cheeks. Artemis sat on the bed beside me, and Solara sat on the windowsill.
"Why did she do that, Artemis? Why would Irina try to kill me?" My voice was hysterical. Artemis pulled me to him. I laid my head on his chest, and he placed his hand on my head. I heard Solara murmur smething to him and leave the room.
"I don't know, Luna. But I won't let her hurt you. We sat there for several moments, just sitting in silence. After awhile, the silence was broken.
"I have to go, Luna."
"It can't be dawn already." I didn't move. I simply laid there, my head on his chest. Several seconds later, he sat up, causing me to sit up with him. He stood and went to the glass doors, opening them silently.
"Will you be back tonight?" I went to join him on the balcony. He turned to face me, his green eyes staring straight into mine.
"As you wish, Princess." I blushed. That was why I had told him not to call me his princess. "Goodnight, your Highness." He grinned. I smiled back.
"Goodnight, my Knight." He kissed me goodnight and climbed over the edge of the balcony.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, I loved the battle, descriptive but not too much gore. Luna leads a very interesting life, I can't wait for more.

